Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Scarecrow 2011

All finished up I think. In time for Halloween too. I couldn't help thinking of how he'd act in a game, so much of what you see in the scene is dedicated to that. A constant hay trail underfoot for example, and crows as his minions to do his bidding. Anyway hope you like it was a fun one to do. Thanks to The Secret World for some inspiration!

For those interested, 1 map for his body, 1 for his head, and one (small one) for the hay. 3DS Max, Zbrush, and Photoshop were used.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October is Here (Now in 3D!)

Figured I'd go ahead and just make my concept come to life. Still some clean up to be done (more like a dirt pass), details to add (fingers aren't even textured yet), and the rig to clean up (not a terrible amount of pinching considering, but he's not animated either)...

All this was done in a day (off and on), so I'm fairly please with how it's coming out.
